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Posted by on November 20, 2020


Looking out my window… it is clear, cold, and dark (6 ½ hours of daylight each day right now).  Daytime temps in the -10 to -15 range mean hockey practice has been cancelled the last couple days.

I am thankful… a good visit from my sister Deb and her kids. The kids had a lot of fun playing together and the weather was warm enough during their visit for them to enjoy playing in the snow.

Two 4-year olds (4 months apart) and two 3-year olds (3 days apart).

I am creating … new quilt for our bed. The one I made 17 years ago is extremely well worn and I keep finding pieces on the floor. I’m also making some Christmas presents for the older girls. Need to raid the fabric stash at church to finish making new pot holders, too.

I am hearing… 8:24pm – Caleb watching an episode of the “Lonesome Curator” with Scott; Kara washing her spoon after snitching a bite of leftover frosting; Lydia clicking away on her computer game; Matthew reading reviews on Amazon while trying to decide which gift to get his little brother.

I am reading… still working through my list of literature for the kids’ schooling. I haven’t been doing as much reading lately and need to get back at it.  Right now I’m working through Where the Red Fern Grows. I’m a fast reader, but these day have a lot of interruptions.

In the kitchen… I have been thoroughly enjoying the new stove. It is sooo nice to have so much room to cook and bake.  I like being able to cook dinner while canning and baking all 4 loaves of bread at the same time. The pile of recipes I’ve printed out has grown unwieldy so I’ve started working on updating my cookbook.

I can fit one of my big pans AND a regular pan at the same time!

In the schoolroom… it’s been a bit of a roller-coaster with our SPED program the last few months.  First we were told things had changed and the new psychologist could do an autism diagnosis. So we did a bunch of testing, found out it was the wrong tests, did more testing, and then we were informed that they couldn’t actually diagnose it. I wasn’t originally going to pursue this right now since trips to town with kids right now (during Covid) are not happening and no one seems sure who/where testing can be done in Alaska anyway. Both kids are on the ‘easier’ end of the autism spectrum, so my desire for a diagnosis applies more towards graduation and beyond rather than any changes in our day to day lives. So, right now, they both have an unofficial diagnosis of a strong possibility of being on the autism spectrum.  I am extremely thankful for the awesome SPED teacher we have here with Upstream who puts her heart and soul into working with the kids and juggling all the paperwork required.

A moment from my life…


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