Looking out my window… waiting to see what birds come visit the pinecone bird feeders we hung up today. (Finally got around to using the winter craft package we received from WISE.) Even the bigger kids went out to enjoy the sunny, warm (20 degrees!) day and the sun is still shining at 6pm, yay!
I am thankful… for a good hockey season for the boys and that it’s over for another year. It’s so worth it, but a lot of work. I’m extremely thankful for awesome friends who were willing to take the boys with them to their away games so that Scott didn’t have to try to fit that into his busy schedule.
I am creating … a jean skirt. A favorite skirt of mine had worn through on the front from holding squirmy kids on my lap, so I took it apart and used it as a pattern. Here’s hoping it turns out well.
I am hearing… 6pm – little kids playing downstairs, the sizzle of hot oil and Scott giving Caleb tips on his cooking.
I am reading… some free kindle books while I try to decide which of the kids’ high school literature books to pre-read next.
In the kitchen… I’ve finished prepping food for tomorrow’s church potluck and now Caleb is trying his hand at making potato chips. The kids love to check out cookbooks from the library and have recently discovered that you can make fried foods at home. Scott made his delicious guacamole for supper tonight; I wish avocados didn’t upset my stomach, because it tastes sooo good.
A moment from my life…
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