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Posted by on September 21, 2021


Looking out my window… I see lots of blowing snow. We’ve gotten a couple inches so far and it’s still coming down well.  I’m glad it’s not sticking to all the leaves still on the trees; they had just started falling.

I am thankful… that we took the opportunity on Saturday night to have an impromptu family cookout in the fire pit the boys worked hard to create this summer.

I am creating … pajamas for Elaina (she is growing so fast) and another shirt for Scott (now that he knows I can make his favorite guayaberra style shirt he has asked for more).

I am hearing… 1:30pm – Christmas music playing (because as soon as the kids see snow they think Christmas), the middle kids playing Mobi.

I am reading… Atlas Shrugged – another possibility for the older kids to read for school.

In the kitchen… the last of the chives I harvested is drying in the oven.

In the garden… I’m glad that I pushed hard this weekend to get everything harvested and cleaned up before the snow came.

In the school room… homeschooling is definitely an advantage on that first snow day of the year when the kids are so eager to get outside and play in the snow.

A moment from my life… when we were starting the campfire Saturday night and the temps were falling as evening came on Gabe and Ben were arguing and jostling each other. I asked Gabe what was wrong and he said that he was just trying to stay warm. I then asked him, who was only in short-sleeves, what we usually did when we wanted to be warmer. He looked at me with the saddest face and said, “Work?” LOL!



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